National Lockdown

Hello all Members, players, parents, coaches and volunteers,

Following Governments national lockdown announcement to help stem the steep rise in Covid 19 infections, all Rugby activity is suspended until further notice. The club house will reman closed apart from essential maintenance work. 

All scheduled games and training sessions are to cease and we return to Stage A of the Return to Community Rugby roadmap.

What exercise can i do:

People can only leave home to exercise and not for the purpose of recreation or leisure.

You can continue to exercise alone, with one other person from outside your household, or with your household or support bubble.

This should be limited to once a day and you should not travel outside your local area.

You should maintain social distancing at all times.

You can exercise in a public outdoor place. The club pitches can be utilized for the above. 

This is not how we had hoped to start 2021 but needs must. We all need to play our part and adhere to Government advice. This will help to protect our communities and enable the vaccine to be effective, and allow normal life and rugby to continue as soon as possible.

We would like to thank all our members once again for their continued commitment, resilience and support during these difficult times. 

If anything significantly changes we will of course be in touch.

Just to make you aware the England RFU do run online training sessions for age grade rugby and these can be found on YouTube under the search criteria of "Get your shirt on" videos by Ugo Monye, Danny Care & Dannielle Waterman.


Paul McGoohan - Secretary & Safeguarding Officer
07711 803345

Richard Bradley