Return to Rugby - Sunday 6th December 2020

Subject: Return to Rugby at Vees

To All Parents, Carers and Guardians,

GOOD NEWS - We are returning to training again this weekend Sunday 6th December.

New Rule Changes at Stage E

We will be returning under phase E of the RFU Covid Map, which means a revised return to a 15 a side game and age grade numbers as set out by the RFU and set out below and adaptedStage E rules/laws for Age Grade Rugby have also been approved for U7-13 and U14-18.The move to Stage E will allow the restart of Tag Rugby for U6s, U7s and U8s. The adaptations for those age groups undertaking contact are as follows:• There will be no scrums or mauls in the game• Where the game would restart with a scrum, this will be replaced with a free kick• A minimum of five and a maximum of seven players from each team are required to form a lineoutFriendly fixtures can take place from Friday 18th December.

The logistics for club operation will remain in place from before lockdown 2, which are as follows:

Start and finish times – Minis9.30am to 10.45am

Start and finish times – Juniors 11.30am to 1pm

Register on NHS track and trace which can be found on and around the clubhouse.
Coaches / Team Managers to take a register of players attending.
All players to have a temperature check (More thermometers purchased to speed this up).
All equipment and balls to be sanitized. Hand sanitizer to be used before and after training. All available from the changing rooms as before.
Children to bring their own personal water bottles. Refill from outside tap.
First aid to be available for all. PPE to be used
At least one parent to be in attendance during the training session per child / family in case of emergency/injury. This applies to all age groups. Any parent who is unable to stay and supervise their child must have nominated another adult (not the coach) to be responsible if their child is injured or needs support in any other way.
Clubhouse will be open but the bar will be shut.

The arrangements for the clubhouse will be as follows:

Food will be served from the kitchen
Queuing system in clubhouse for Coffee machine. Ladies toilet and Club Café via hatch.
Club Shop open, access from outside the lounge.
Face masks to be worn in the Clubhouse at all times.
No mingling in the Clubhouse.
Parents must socially distance at least 1 metre outside – Rule of 6 applies.
Gents toilet access via the changing room door.
Changing room and showers are unavailableChristmas break will start after the Sunday 20th Dec session and restart on Sunday 10th January 2021.Finally, we would like to remind all parents that they need to register their children as playing for the club on the RFU Game Management System, and ensure the details held for you are correct so that RFU holds your registration.Please also remember if you haven’t done so already to pay the annual club membership fees. If you wish to discuss this, please feel free to contact your coach, Colin Gentleman, John Penn or Nicola Diplock – whilst the club exists due to fees from its members, we also understand that some people may be struggling during the global pandemic.Finally, we look forward to seeing you on Sunday 6th December at The Vees for the return of Rugby!

John and ColinCo-Chairs Mini Section.

PS If you didn’t receive this message by email please update your email address on GMS - don’t know how? Please contact




Richard Bradley